GeoBlue Navigator Student Medical Insurance

Please use this high level information as a guide only and do not make any decisions solely based on this information. If you have any concerns, doubts or questions, please refer to the individual policy details for complete information, as it is not possible to accurately represent all the details in concise information such as follows, or call us for further details. If there is any discrepancy between this information and the actual policy details, the policy details will override.

All the amounts are in U.S. dollars.

Vision (eyeglasses, etc.) is not covered in any of the plans.


Navigator® Student
Within PPO: After deductible, pays 80% until co-insurance maximum, then covers at 100%. Outside PPO: After deductible, pays 60% until co-insurance maximum, then covers at 100%. Outside US: After deductible, covers at 100%. Co-insurance maximum is based on deductible chosen.
To policy maximum

Medical - Outpatient

Within PPO network: $30 Copay: Deductible waived. Otherwise, to policy maximum. 8 visits per year.
Within PPO network: $75 Copay: Deductible waived. Otherwise, to policy maximum.
To policy maximum Extra $100 copay for visit that does not result in hospital admission.
$5,000, maximum supply of 90 days per prescription - Not subject to deductible.
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum

Medical - Inpatient

To policy maximum, average semi-private room including nursing services.
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum
To policy maximum

Medical - Other Treatment And Services

10 days
To policy maximum
Same as any other eligible medical expense. Professional sports and SCUBA diving in excess of 20 meters in depth excluded.
To policy maximum
Only the complications of pregnancy.
To policy maximum, 60 day maximum.
$10 copay outside U.S., $30 copay within U.S. PPO network.
Included in the Mental & Nervous Disorder benefit
Physical Therapy: To policy maximum, 6 visits per year.
BlueCross BlueShield PPO
Network of physicians, hospitals, urgent cares, labs and other healthcare providers.
No network for pharmacies, dentists, ambulance.
After 12 month waiting period, same as any other eligible medical expense.
To policy maximum
Routine physical: $250 maximum 1 per year. Other Wellness: To policy maximum, deductible wavied.

Plan Features

Before effective date, full refund. After effective date, no refund.
3 months up to 12 months - after that members may re-enroll up to age 75
Family Deductible limited to 2.5 times individual Travel Vaccinations: $500
$0 0-74
$250 0-74
$500 0-74
$1,000 0-74
$2,500 0-74
$5,000 0-74
-$1 0-74
4 Ever Life International Limited

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  • For medical benefits, to policy maximum, refer to the Usual, Reasonable and Customary Charges. Deductible and coinsurance apply, unless otherwise noted.
  • Whenever there is a difference in benefits levels within PPO network and outside PPO network, the benefits shown above are applicable when availing treatment within PPO network.
  • Coverages shown are per person unless noted otherwise.
  • The dash (-) in the fields above means Not Applicable (N/A).

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